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Frequently Asked Questions

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My child has been awarded a place at BHA - what happens next?

We will send a pack of information out to all learners. This contains useful information and also an important set of forms that must be completed and returned to us as soon as possible.


I have additional information I would like to pass on to the school before my child starts. How can I do this?

We hold an ‘Induction Evening’ which allows you to meet your child’s Form Tutor. We also offer an opportunity for you to attend a ‘Family Interview’ which lasts approximately 15 minutes and gives you, and your child, a chance to tell us about themselves. If you would like to do this then please inform your child’s Form Tutor.


Induction day – what happens?

In June or July, learners who will make up the new Year 7 cohort attend Beacon Hill for ‘Induction Day’. This is a chance for your child to experience a couple of school days at Beacon Hill. They will have an assembly, tutor group time with their Personal Tutor and a variety of lessons plus have lunch in our canteen. They should attend dressed in their current primary school uniform.


How do you put learners in to tutor groups?

Learners are placed into mixed ability tutor groups. If your child is from one of our main feeder schools we try to guarantee that they will be placed in a tutor group with someone from their primary school. Please note that although we are keen on learners keeping their old friends we want to actively encourage them to move forward and make new friends, as such, we do not take friendship requests into account.


What information do you find out about my child prior to them starting at Beacon Hill?

We liaise closely with your child’s current primary school to gather as much information as possible about our new arrivals. We will be made aware of SATs scores, teacher assessments and any issues that the primary school feels we should know. The SENCOs at Beacon Hill and your child’s primary school liaise to find out about any particular special needs.


Will my child be taught in ability sets?

In Year 7, most lessons are taught in the mixed ability tutor group your child has been placed into. The notable exceptions in Year 7 are core subjects who tend to set learners according to ability by the first half term holiday. Faculties are free to choose the setting system that they feel best works for them, so there may be changes to this from time to time. In Year 8, more subjects put learners into sets, although the criteria for these differ from faculty to faculty.


Who will look after my child at Beacon Hill?

Your child will have a Form Tutor who, it is anticipated, will stay with your child up until the end of their GCSE examinations. Therefore, it is vital that they build up a positive relationship as soon as possible. Each year group has a Learning Manager who is not a teacher and so is more easily available and helps to deal with issues the tutor is unable to. Overseeing all of the pastoral system is the Assistant Principal, Mr Clarkson, who works closely with the Year Managers, but has a key focus on monitoring the academic achievement of learners in each Key Stage.


How do I found out about buses to Beacon Hill?

Beacon Hill Academy is on the 229 bus route and is a short walk from Sedgley, which is served by the 1, 27, 223 and 224 bus routes. Further details can be found here.


How can I find out about uniform, the VDE and other policies?

Click here for uniform information.

Click here for Values Driven Expectations information.

Click here for other policies.

Once your child starts at Beacon Hill Academy, they will receive a Planner which contains all the relevant information on uniform, discipline, the school day, etc...


Will my child have a locker?

Lockers are limited and are generally given to learners that need this additional support structure. We advise all of our learners to ensure they have a suitable large formal school bag that will allow them to carry all of the belongings and equipment safely. Any learner that does have a locker will be given further details.


My child is unwell and has PE?

If your child has an injury or is unable to take part in PE they should bring a note clearly outlining the issue signed by parents/ carers. They must also still bring their PE kit to avoid receiving a 'negative comment' for equipment.


My child is worried about being late between lesson?

We are aware that the school covers a large site and have a system that allows sufficient ‘movement time’ between certain periods. All teachers and learners are aware of this and take these factors into consideration when starting lessons. Learners should use break and lunchtime to go to the toilet, thus preventing them being late.


What should we do if we feel our child needs extra support in their lessons?

The first point of contact should be the Learning Manager or Form Tutor and they will be able to assist. If this relates to SEN issues, then the SENCO at Beacon Hill Academy will be able to help.


How does my child find out about extra curricular clubs?

There are a mass of extra-curricular offers at Beacon Hill Academy. They are advertised in assemblies, lessons, form time and around school. They are an excellent way for learners to become immersed in life at Beacon Hill Academy. There is also an extra-curricular club booklet, which is produced in late September and sent home with every student. A copy can be found on the website here.


What are the rules around digital devices?

Digital devices such as mobiles phones Smart watches are not allowed in school. The rules are clearly laid out in the Student Planner. Learners are also made aware of them in a series of assemblies.


Can my child wear an outdoor coat?

Yes. We ask learners to remove outdoor coats once they enter the building. Coats can be placed in their school bag. They can be worn at break and lunchtime outside, but again must be removed when returning to the building.


How does my child get their lunch?

School has a cafeteria which serves a variety of food. It uses a cashless system where learners use a biometric online payment system. When purchasing food learners will use a fingerprint scanner and the price of their food is deducted from the total, they have available.


Can I see lunch menus?

Yes. These are available on the school website here.


Can I see what my child has eaten?

This can be found through the online payment system.


What can I get for meal of the day?

The Meal Deal (£2.60) gives learners a hot meal or sandwich and desert. Water is available for all and your child should bring a water bottle for this.


How often should I top up my child’s account?

This is entirely up to you. We encourage parents/carers to access the online payment system. Learners can also put money on their account using one of our payment machines. You should be aware that having a large sum of money on their account can lead to the temptation of spending more than necessary